Marketing planning and process
Marketing planning and process
Many small to medium sized organisations do not have the benefit of their own marketing managers and teams and very often do not have marketing plans or effective marketing processes in place to generate demand for their product and services.
We help businesses of all sizes establish and operate strategic and tactical marketing plans and marketing processes to support them.
+Stearman is practised at working with businesses of all types in a wide range of markets, whether business to business(B2B) or business to consumer(B2C) orientated.
Whether your business is marketing products or services, we would start by revisiting with you your ‘Proposition’; what is it you are taking to market? How can we strengthen that offering, by broadening or deepening the offer, or by making it more attractive to your target markets.
We would look closely at the markets and niches you are targeting; looking to ensure that the proposition or offering is well defined to meet the needs of each of those target markets. And of course are there new markets that we could target
The process would then be to look at the routes to market being used to access those targeted markets; what else can we do to increase our penetration and share of those target markets?
Marketing plans would flow from this work, as well as marketing processes geared to ensuring the plans are effectively delivered
Of course, these plans are fully integrated into the overall Strategic Business Plan.